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10:42 p.m. - 2007-08-25
Frootjoos casts Twilight the Movie

I don't know when I began this habit of picturing popular actors in my head as I read, but here is the result of too little tv and too much Twilight-on-the-brain:

Edward: Hands down. This goes to Simon Woods (aka, Mr. Bingley from the most recent Pride & Prejudice, and Gaius Octavian Caesar in HBO's Rome: Season II)

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He's got the bronze hair, features like granite, dangerous velvety voice, and I think young looking enough to pass for 17... In the still above (for which I take no credit whatsoever, I pulled it off Google because you *must* know what he looks like) he plays Gaius Octavian Caesar at the age of 19. You'll really have to watch some video to see just how luminescent he is. They'll barely need makeup to make him glitter. Infuriatingly there is no biographical info as yet reasonably Googleable and I am dying to know... well, anything, really.

Bella has got to be Emily Browning, i.e. Violet from Series of Unfortunate Events:

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Charlie, I always picture in my head as Nathan Fillion:

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I think anyone who is a fan reading this right now does not need to see a photo of Rachel Leigh Cook as Alice (there really is no one else to fit the bill).

Renee would probably be Lauren Graham. Yes, I am heavily influenced by her Lorelai Gilmore character... while we're at it, why not complete the set with Alexis Bledel as Bella. I have a friend who sets no store at all by her acting skills, and she is quite a bit older now than her character, but hasn't she always been? Hasn't bothered me one bit.

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I'll add more as I think of them...

I always think of my friend Jane when I'm reading the character Jane (of the Volturi), as she too is small in stature, with a childlike voice, and a vicious temper... She can hurt you inside your head, that Jane! And Meyer doesn't specifically describe her other than that, so I don't think it should matter much that my friend Jane is Chinese... she's a shoe-in!

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I got to see Stephenie Meyer at Vroman's Pasadena today and it was such a thrill. I got 3 of my 6 books signed (what, you guys don't have loaner copies? you should! and make sure you slap some Brodarts on them!) and had a lot of fun. My two friends and I got acquainted with another Twilight fan, who shot a video of the Q&A with her camera. I can't wait to re-watch it again on YouTube... whenever that goes up, I'll definitely post a link.

EDIT: Here's the video from Vroman's Pasadena! Thanks so much, Kristine!

Sigh. How many times can I re-read the whole series before the next book comes out, I wonder?

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Further edited on 8/27: LA Times' Sonja Bolle reviews the Twilight series. If you're a Meyers fan who plans to, erm, turn others into the same, then this is a good article to steer folks to... although it digresses in the end.


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