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4:16 p.m. - 2007-06-12
If you need a cheap suggestion for a Father's Day gift, go with a paperback copy of Black Order by James Rollins--it's an action-packed mystery/thriller that takes you all around the world, back through history, and home again through science and philosophy. I enjoyed it so much that I'm going to go back and read his earlier books.

If you need a not-so-cheap one, there's a red-hot coffeetable-size paperback of The Sopranos: The Book, and pair it with Sopranos writer Nick Santora's Slip & Fall, about a good lawyer (a what?) who makes a big mistake--and the bad news for him is, it might not even be his last.

If that doesn't sound like your dad, I'd go with the mainstays: gadgets, tools, or food. My old man loves him some smoked salmon. Unfortunately I can't send any overseas, but he can have my once-read copy of Black Order... (see, I do love him)


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